Healthy movement is innate.
Body Rewilding evokes, uncovers, and restores the underlying kinesthetic integrity within you.
As a human being, you possess a blueprint for movement health, ease, and abundance; Body Rewilding reveals it, develops it, and savors it.
Body Rewilding is a synthesis of enriching embodied practices. Rooted in Yoga, Structural Integration/ Rolfing, Voice Dialogue, Somatic Experiencing and Animism, Body Rewilding offers a path for creating easeful movement, improved alignment, harmonious coordination, personal empowerment, somatic maturation, and kinesthetic health.
In Body Rewilding practices, we unbind ourselves from habitual patterning, we find the resources of the ground and gravity, we explore the inner and outer landscapes, we revive natural movement coordination, and we establish an orientation to a fertile neutral state in which the body is resilient, available, mobile, stable, and alive. We explore and embody the physical expression of the full pantheon of archetypes within us, working and playing towards true wholeness and agency.
In Body Rewilding practices, the mover has a context, a habitat. The mover is intertwined with the Earth community — in conversation with the land, the elements, wildlife, and the mystery.